Ad-hoc committee formed for Upz primary education | School News

Ad-hoc committee formed for Upz primary education

A 9-member ad-hoc committee has been formed repealing the Upazila Primary Education Committee.

A 9-member ad-hoc committee has been formed repealing the Upazila Primary Education Committee. 

Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) will act as convener of the committee while Upazila Primary Education Officer as member secretary, said a primary and mass education ministry press release yesterday. 

It said that the ministry issued a gazette notification to this end on September 10 revoking the earlier notification of March 12, 2014 of the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education regarding Upazila Primary Education Committee.

Other members of the ad-hoc committee are: Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer, Upazila Social Services Officer, Upazilla Secondary Education Officer, Instructor, Upazila Resource Centre, Upazila Engineer and two headmasters of the nearest government primary schools (one male and one female nominated by UNO).

This committee will continue until the further order, added the release.source: bss