HSC 2024 script recheck results published | Miscellaneous News

HSC 2024 script recheck results published

The results for students who applied to have their HSC and equivalent examinations answer scripts re-evaluated has been published today (Thursday, November 14). Click here to view the result.

The results for students who applied to have their HSC and equivalent examinations answer scripts re-evaluated has been published today (Thursday, November 14). Click here to view the result.

According to a source connected to the Dhaka Education Board, 1,80,000 examinees under the Dhaka Board submitted applications this year to have answer scripts of their HSC and equivalent examinations re-checked. Only the exam scripts for subjects that took place could be submitted for re-evaluation; subjects that had been evaluated through subject mapping by partially relying on the students' previous SSC results could not be re-evaluated. 

When HSC and equivalent examination results initially came out, students were required to send an SMS, and received their results in a return SMS. However, that is not the case for the re-evaluated results. 

Students can find the results of the re-checks in two ways. Tapan Kumar Sarkar, the Chairman of the Dhaka Board of Intermediate and Higher Secondary Education and the President of the Inter-Education Board Coordination Committee, has said that the results will be forwarded to the Teletalk number through which the students submitted their re-evaluation requests. There is no need for the students to send any SMS. Secondly, examinees can find out the results of the re-evaluations from the websites of their respective examination boards. 

The results of HSC and equivalent examinations were released on October 15, 2024. The pass rate this year was 77.78 percent. Across 11 educational boards, 1,45,911 students achieved GPA-5.