Madrasa students protest in Bakshibazar demanding relocation of makeshift court | Aliya-Madrasa News

Madrasa students protest in Bakshibazar demanding relocation of makeshift court

The judge of the Metropolitan Special Tribunal-2 of Dhaka arrived at the makeshift courtroom in the morning for a hearing related to an explosives case filed over the 2009 BDR carnage.

BDR carnage trial cannot be hold as courtroom torched

Students of Government Madrasah-E-Alia in Bakshibazar staged a protest this morning, demanding the relocation of the makeshift court set up on their premises for holding the trial of the BDR carnage.

Hundreds of students gathered in front of the madrasa, blocking the road and disrupting traffic, reports our senior photographer on from the spot.

Before that, a fire broke out in the makeshift courtroom located on the madrasa grounds.

"We received information at 4:22am that a fire had erupted in a courtroom set up on the premises of Government Madrasah-E-Alia. Two firefighting units were dispatched to extinguish the blaze," Lima Khanam, duty officer at the Fire Service and Civil Defence headquarters, told The Daily Star in the morning.

The judge of the Metropolitan Special Tribunal-2 of Dhaka arrived at the makeshift courtroom in the morning for a hearing related to an explosives case filed over the 2009 BDR carnage.

But the court proceedings could not take place as the courtroom was completely destroyed by the fire, a court staffer confirmed.

The judge departed from the site around 12:10pm.

Rezaul Hossain, officer-in-charge of Chawkbazar Police Station, stated that they are investigating the matter to determine if there is any underlying cause behind the fire.

The students have been protesting, citing that the ongoing trial on the madrasa grounds was hindering their academic activities. They called for the court to be relocated to the central jail in Keraniganj.

Members of the army and police were deployed in the Alia Madrasa area to manage the situation and persuade the students to disperse from the road.

Source: the daily star