Seminar on emerging antimicrobial resistance genes held at JU | University News

Seminar on emerging antimicrobial resistance genes held at JU

A research seminar titled 'One-Health Assessment of Emerging Antimicrobial Resistance Genes (ARGs) in Bangladeshi Livestock, Feeds and Manure' was held on Jahangirnagar University (JU) campus today.

A research seminar titled 'One-Health Assessment of Emerging Antimicrobial Resistance Genes (ARGs) in Bangladeshi Livestock, Feeds and Manure' was held on Jahangirnagar University (JU) campus today.

As the dissemination of the 4th phase BAS-USDA endowment grant (project code: JU HN28), the seminar was arranged at Wazed Miah Science Research Centre of the university at around 9:30 am.

Prof Md. Anowar Khasru Parvez of JU Microbiology Department presided over the inaugural session of the event.

Principal investigator of the project, Prof Md. Salequl Islam of JU Microbiology Department, co-principal investigator Prof, Dr. Shamsun Nahar and Ph. D. Student Mamun Al Asad delivered the keynote speeches about the research findings.

Later, principal investigator Prof Md. Salequl Islam discussed the project milestone summery, limitations and future projection.

In his speech, Prof Salequl said, "We faced various challenges while doing the research. Proper sample and data collection are the major challenge for us. People related to the research didn't want to provide any information. So, we request the government to make a specific rule that everyone is obliged to provide information for research purposes."

Besides, an open discussion session was held as the concluding part of the seminar.

Representatives of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, teachers and students of the university, among others, addressed the seminar.source: bss